Sunday, March 15, 2020
7 Reasons You Didnt Get the Job
7 Reasons You Didnt Get the JobIf youresearching for a new job, you want to besure you dontmake any obvious mistakes that might keep youfrom finding workespecially after spending a lot of time on job search sites. Although most people know it is a badeanstalt idea to cancel at the last moment or wear a running suit to an interview, smaller mistakes can also keep you from being considered. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) 1. You didntproofread your resumeWith just one glance, a resume can tell a recruiter a lot about a job applicant. A resume thats messy and contains bad grammar or typos is not likely to be taken seriously. You can fix problems with your resume by using an online grammar checker and rereading it carefully to look for mistakes. If you have a friend who is a whizat grammar and punctuation, ask him or her to look it over for you. Whatever it takes, make your resume as perfect as you can.2. Your resume is unfocusedDid youwrite yourresume a year ago and are now just recycling it to apply for jobs? The days of using a general resume are over. Because hiring managers are busy people, they want to interview the best candidates for the job and not waste time on applicants whose qualifications arent a good fit. Rewriting your resume to include your qualifications that fit perfectly with the job description can get you that interview.3. You didnt write a cover letterHiring managers go to the cover letter first before looking at an applicants resume. Even when applying for a lokalitt by sending your resume via email, you really need to include a cover letter. Many hiring managers wont consider an application without one. Remember to include the reason you want the job in your cover letter, and dont make it a mini copy of your resume.4. You went into the interview coldLets say youve been invited for a job interview. Youre feeling pretty confident at this point. But, overconfidence and lack of preparation has cost countless people a job offer. Do your homework. Job interviews normally consist of knowing about the company where you are applying, asking questions that are relevant, telling the recruiter why you are qualified and how you can be an asset in the job, and doing a follow up afterward.5. You castyour net too wideOne mistake some job seekers make is not focusing on the type of job itself. Think about opportunities, not one particular job, and you can find yourself employed faster. Maybe you have your heart set on a job with the Widget Company, but you would have to abflug at the bottom and work your way up because there are no openings for someone with your qualifications. Focus clearly on the position you want to fill, and expend your efforts in that direction.6. You werent on timeTime matters when it comes to hiring managers. Showing up late for an interview reflects badly, as does showing up too early because it can make you appear anxious and make the interviewer feel pressured. Do leave early to get to your interview about 10 minutes before it is scheduled, but find a spot to relax if you arrive before that.7. You got too personalMaking a personal connection with a hiring manager can be a good idea, such as sharing an interest in a ball team or certain things about the city. However, going overboard and supplying too many details about your personal life takes up the hiring managers time and may not reflect well on you. Rambling on, whether in a resume or during an interview, can leave a bad impression. If you do relate personal information, keep it in context with the job.After spending time searching classified job ads and sending in a resume, common mistakes made by a job applicant can cost that person a job. Just as knowing how to be a successful job applicant and sail through an interview is valuable information, knowing how to conduct a job search in a practical way is also. Instead of looking at countless job ads in different locations, TheJobSearch does the work for you by sending you email alerts when jobs fitting your qualifications become available. Fill out your job interests and qualifications, sign up with TheJobNetwork, and that is all it takes.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
What Your Childhood Dream Job Looks Like In Reality
What Your Childhood Dream Job Looks Like In Reality Spending your days dreaming of life outside the cubicle?Maybe you love your job. Maybe youhate it. Perhaps you simply never really shook your childhood dream. As you plug away at your day job, you cant help but wonder what would that career as an astronautreallyhave been like?We may have the answer. Check out everything about the ROI of common childhood dream job roles positiv jobs you never knew existed and how to get them below.8 Fun Jobs You Didnt Know Existed1. Waterslide TesterFor some serious fun, test waterslides for safety and function at parks.2. Food StylistMake food in magazines and on TV look beautiful and tasty.3. VideoGamerGet paid to play video games in leagues.4. HackerDo some legal hacking as a way to bolster companies security systems and find potential threats.5. Crossword Puzzle WriterAce wordsmiths can make bank writing these games.6. Bed TesterGetting paid to sleep on amazing beds? Sign me up7. ChocolatierTu rn chocolate into masterful, edible desserts.8. Personal ShopperStyle masters can monetize their fashion sense by picking out clothes and other items for clients.5 Real-Life Dream Jobs1. AstronautWho didnt wonder what it would be like to explore the universe as a kid? The space industry has a surprising amount of opportunity There have only been 536 people in space, and women are underrepresented at only 40. But if you are willing to stay earthbound, there are plenty of opportunities.You will need a hefty resume. Requirements for a NASA astronaut include a doctorate level education and/or 1,000 hours of flying (in command after at a minimum of three years of military service).Entry-Level Job Salary $65,000Mid Career Salary $140,000Cost of Education 8-10 years $135,0002. PilotA commercial airlinepilotis a glamorous career path, though the reality is a bit less inspiring. Unionization is a good benefit, and compensation is certainly above the national average. The stress can be overw helming, especially when large-scale weather events play havoc with your work schedule. Women are mucksmuschenstill underrepresented in the commercial ranks, comprising 5,600 (3.9%) of 144,000 total pilots in the US. Airlines are actively recruiting female pilots.Requirements for a commercial airline pilot are a bachelors degree and 1,500 hours flying. Youll likely have to start off at a small company or opt for the military route.Entry-Level Job Salary $45,000 (as a first officer)Mid Career Salary $85,000Cost of Education 4-5 years $35,0003. DoctorThe fantasy of parents everywhere your child becomes adoctor Medicine requires dedication. After spending eight years in school, be prepared for another three to eight years in residency, depending on the specialty. Residents also have little control over where they end up. Its a wild ride, but theres a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.Entry-Level Job Salary $51,000 (as a first-year resident)Mid Career Salary $250,000 (upwards of $ 400,000 for some specialities)Cost of Education 10 - 16 years $150,0004. C-Suite ExecutiveFemaleexecutivesin Fortune 1000 companies are still underrepresented, though the tide is slowly shifting. Eighteen percent of executive stttes are held by women, though only 7% in the CEO slot. Big Corporate is taking active steps to increase representation and equity. The best thing about a corporate career is that performance has a strong influence on the path forward.Entry-Level Job Salary $50,000-$70,000 (varies significantly, shown is Business Analyst, Financial Analyst)Mid Career Salary $250,000 (upwards of $400,000 for some specialities)CEO Level Salary $13,800,000 (average of F1000 CEO)Cost of Education 0-12 years $0 - $120,0005. Software DeveloperTheres so much demand fordevelopersthat many companies cant hire fast enough, and the pool of talent is so short they have to go outside the US. Everyone needs this critical function to stay relevant. There are many specialty areas, and the need is extremely high.Entry-Level Job Salary $70,000Mid Career Salary $135,000 (upwards of $200,000 for some specialities)Cost of Education 2-6 years $20,000 - $60,000How to Make Your Dream a RealityIts never too late to opt out of that current job and pursue your dream. If you are, indeed, looking tochange careers, here are the steps youll need to take1. Be koranvers you want it.The world is competitive and just getting any job is hard enough. So you need to be committed to it. As much work as it will be to actually land a new position, it will also take years to succeed.Talk to actual people who work in the field about what their careers are really like. Want to work at a hedge entdeckung? Talk to someone who reconciles trades in operations even if you want to become a portfolio manager. Want to work as a product manager at a hot tech start-up? Find someone who does customer service there and learn about the grittier parts of the company.2. Do your research.If youre sure you wan t to make the leap, read everything you can about the industry. That includes books more information has been memorialized in print (i.e. before the internet age) and cant be replaced by online research.Be sure to go beyond books trying to help you understand how to get the job. If you want to do marketing, make sure you understand industry trends and career paths. Youll have a better understanding of the field. And youll be more prepared when you start interviewing.3. Decide whether you need credentials or education.Sometimes, you can make a career change much more easily if you go back to school or earn a credential. Other times, its a prerequisite of the job. For example, you obviously cant practice medicine or law without degrees and credentials. Even if your prospective career doesnt require this, education can help.4. Network.Tell everyone you know what you want to do, especially people whove had a similar background to yours and have your dream job, even if they came to it ou t of sheer luck.Be sure to network in all the standard ways and if you run out of people you know, dont be afraid to keep pushing beyond your comfort zone. Use your alumni network, contact strangers onLinkedInand contact women onFairygodboss.Go to industry events, Meetups, and conferences.5. Talk to recruiters.Recruiters make money when they place candidates, so it may be difficult to gain their support in your position. However,its a reality check that will prepare you for an interview. Recruitershave no reason to sugarcoat their opinions, which means youll get an honest assessment. Recruiters will also tell you what the standard candidate looks like. Based on their feedback, youll improve how you position and prepare yourself for the career change.6. Apply for (lots of) jobs.You will have to apply for jobs more aggressively than a candidate with the standard background because your resume wont have the keywords and experiences that fit into cookie-cutter roles. To some extent, for all candidates, job applications are a numbers game.Also, apply to positions around the periphery of your desired role. For example, if you want to be a TV producer but youre a writer for a newspaper, you might have to get a job being a writer at the TV show first.7. Be willing to take financial risk.Making more money may be one of the reasons you want to make a career change. That may all eventually work out, but there will be initial challenges. Many times, career changers have to accept a less prestigious, lower-paid position to gain the experience they need for the bigger change theyre after. Youll need to accept that yourself as well as convince your future employer youre okay with the salary cut.8. Set realistic expectations.You may be able to switch careers, but its unlikely that it wont affect your pay grade or seniority negatively. So, dont sit on it. Make the change as quickly as you can because the younger you are and the less responsibility you have to support families or others, the more likely you will accept the reduction insalaryor title.9. Do the thing you want to do even if youre doing it for yourself.If you want to become a designer, design something. If you want to become a writer, write something. Instead of waiting for someone to pay you to do something, launch your own project. Not only can you do this on your own time, but nobody is judging you except yourself. Youll learn about your motivation and ability. Plus, youll gain experience.10. Get relevant experience at your existing employer.Sometimes, if you want to make a career change, the easiest way to do it is at your own company. That way, youve eliminated the job hunt. Even if you dont love where you work, it might be worth it to stick around and get relevant experience somewhere you know that will actually pay. If you cant get a job in a different department, try talking to the departments manager about working there unofficially. Just make sure to clear it with your own manager first.11. Volunteer.Volunteer in order to gain experience. Dont expect to be paid cash, but the lessons plus the resume fodder may help you tremendously. From your prospective employers point of view, youve already demonstrated youre passionate about the field. Plus, you never know, the organization may actually hire you.A big career change can take years. But understanding the steps and having reasonable expectations will help you along the road.Be sure to lean on friends and family during the tough moments, and if you can afford it, consider consulting with a career coach, who offer career change tactics and encouragement.--Renee Hopkins is a contributor to Fairygodboss, sharing her own version of the New Feminist American Dream. Shes the textbook high-functioning-anxiety ridden overachiever an early thirtysomething who has a pocket full of fairy dust and a map to navigate Big Corporate straight to the C-suite.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Secret to Writing a Resume like a Super Hero
The Secret to Writing a Resume like a Super Hero As stated earlier, only share the details your audience will discover relevant. A resume contains lots of specific info. Supporting details ought to be given. Instead, pay attention to your achievements. What Everybody Dislikes About Writing a Resume like a Super Hero and Why You should have the ability to communicate all you will need to say on a single page. You have a lot greater shot of receiving an interview as a result of a personal or professional connection. Learn about the way to use it in this write-up. Continue reading this guide to find out more. When its critical, its your duty to make certain the recruiter sees it. Thus dont list every degree youve got or chat about your very first job out of school. In truth, its the job of a cover letter to find an employer interested enough in you as a candidate to take some time to take a look at your resume. The Basics of Writing a Resume like a Super Hero Writing your ow n bio can be difficult. The most important thing is a resume that resembles a book often scares off the reader as it appears like an excessive amount of work. In case you have any essay writing task which you find difficult to compose, or you probably just do not have a lot of time to compose another essay probably, its time to consider to purchase essay on line. Writing a hero essay ought to be fairly effortless. How to Find Writing a Resume like a Super Hero A prospective employer doesnt require an exhaustive collection of whatever youve done in a prior job. For starters, recruiters have a tendency to care more about what theyre searching for than what youre searching for. A recruiter searching for a marketer might seek out someone acquainted with Google Analytics and Google AdWords. Be sure that your LinkedIn profile and resume are consistent with one another. Writing a Resume like a Super Hero No Longer a Mystery In reality, the main beweis of heroism is the one which is observed in everyday life. Many heros knew or were themselves scientists, and theres absolutely nothing wrong with taking that approach if you only want to get that facet of the story from the way. The expression hero has different meanings in various contexts. Write your very best bio ever and your audience is going to be intrigued. Thus, it is not about you, Jill. Characteristics of Writing a Resume like a Super Hero Although there are numerous superheros, all of them are very unique in their very own special ways. There are several different strategies to create a superhero story, but there are lots of important elements that are essential to ensure it is real and popular. By way of example, Superman has superhuman strength and the capacity to fly. Resist the desire to pad your resume. The Lost Secret of Writing a Resume like a Super Hero Better yet have another person have a look. Decide what sort of superhero to create, including whether the hero will be human or some sort of creature. Find out how to make the ideal character and the way to create the story beleivable. Any moment youre utilizing a less common format, you take the vermgen of standing out, and whether thats a great thing or a terrible thing really is dependent on the particular person reading your resume. Bios are difficult to craft, but theyre also one of the utmost effective parts of marketing youll be able to create when you get it right. To begin with, you must guarantee a consistent design. Rather, it is a strategic tool for marketing your personal brand. Instead, find out more about the business and read the work description closely. The Ugly Side of Writing a Resume like a Super Hero It is possible to start off by looking through several job descriptions for the kind of job that you need and identifying which skills and regions of expertise they all seem to mention. By highlighting past areas of succeeding, you will demonstrate the recruiter you will be simil arly successful later on. Be certain to reflect the work description when you describe your own regions of proficiency. Learn about the three kinds of skills its possible to highlight and the way youre able to incorporate them into your resume.
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